Piano lessons for beginners in Stittsville with Krista
Why MYC?
Students have fun acquiring skills that bring them joy for a lifetime!
Students build confidence through competence.
Inner discipline learned in childhood translates to success in school, highschool, college and beyond.
Students experience the synergy of creating within a group.
Sound sequential curriculum teaches beginners to read music!
Composition gives students the freedom to create.
Students are supported as they take risks and develop their potential.
Why Krista?
I bring energy and empathy to the classroom.
I build relationships with families beyond music class.
I get results. My spring 2021 grads averaged 85.9% with Conservatory Canada.
I seek out performance opportunities for students such as the Stittsville Villa, Canadian Music Showcase and the Renfrew Rotary Festival.
I teach students to present themselves with confidence.
I understand the value of vocal health.
I have taught students with exceptionalities.
Many students stay with my studio for five or more years.
Why Study Music?
“There are a great many reasons why children should learn to play music,” says Dr Richard Letts, the executive director of the Music Council of Australia . “If a child studies music constantly over a period of time, they do better in school in all sorts of ways, including academically and socially.”
Exposure to music makes children smarter.
Children who take piano lessons are able to learn complex math problems earlier than those who’ve had no musical training.
Adults who studied music before the age of 12 had better memories for words than those who did not. – researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Significantly more of the brain is used during music making than previously thought. – Dr. Lawrence Parsons of the University of Texas – San Antonio
Rhythmic movement plays a critical role in the reading process – the ability to keep a steady beat – simply clapping hands rhythmically – figures prominently in cognitive development. – Phyllis Weikart the University of Michigan
Music training, specifically piano instruction, is far superior to computer instruction in dramatically enhancing children’s abstract reasoning skills necessary for learning math and science. – psychologist Dr. Frances Rauscher of the University of Wisconsin
Preschoolers have lots to gain from listening to music because it encourages movement. – Dr. Rosalie Pratt, Brigham Young University
Why should your child begin with MYC?
MYC builds a solid foundation of understanding and enjoyment of music.
Singing together creates a special bond.
Keyboard playing and rhythm ensembles nurture team skills.
Creative movement develops individual expressiveness.
Music reading and theory are reinforced with group activities and with colorful, hands-on materials.
Composing integrates aural and written skills and gives children a sense of ownership.
Children build confidence and self esteem as they learn in small, age appropriate groups.
Students feel encouraged in the open and child-centered environment that makes learning fun!
Abigail Nip, a Sunshine Two student, composed this piece entitled "Don't Dilly Dally"