Piano lessons for beginners in Stittsville with Krista
What Parents and Students are saying
I hope you know how much your program and teaching have made an impact
on our daughter. I credit you and MYC with her ability to put herself out there in new
situations with grace. She has gained so much in her four years with you, and we are
so thankful and proud! Thank-you for being there for 'your kids' and helping them
push themselves. You truly make a difference!
Parent of MBIII graduate June 2021
Krista, good for you - I give you so much credit for taking the time to make teaching videos for the students - you are one of a kind!!! I hope other educators take after you! We look forward to sitting with you via TV and doing our lessons this week.
Front line worker. Mother of two MYC students March 2020
Our daughter loved her experience learning piano with Krista and we feel she gained so much from Krista's guidance. We are so appreciative of the positive impact Krista has had on our daughter.
Parent of a MBIII graduate June 2019
My daughter has fully committed to drumming and has advanced at a prodigious rate such that she was asked to be the drummer for both the pop/rock and jazz bands at her school and to do percussion for the school's classical band. Furthermore, she played a gig in Kingston last fall, subbing for my drummer who couldn't play the gig. She did an open mic show in Whitehorse in February, has formed two of her own bands where she is both drummer and bandleader, a pop band which played at Stittsville's Canada Day festivities and more recently a hard rock/heavy metal ensemble, and has begun writing her own songs.
My son continues to play piano (his first love, for which he transcribes pop and rock songs for fun) and ukelele, and is now learning to play guitar.
None of this would have been possible without MYC and without your tremendous teaching and skillful nurturing of their talent.
Father of two MYC graduates September 2019
I have taken part in the Music for Young Children program since my son was aged 2, when he completed Sunrise 1 and 2. Given that he is now 7, and we've moved, we have had the gift of several music teachers. We are particularly excited to have the instruction of Krista Quenneville, as she is trained not only in piano but also in voice. Krista teaches the students voice production skills and how to present themselves on stage. She encourages students to participate in the Rhythm Ensemble Festival, Composition Festival and spring recital. Krista emphasizes solid piano technique, music theory, music vocabulary and highlights the lives of composers. Krista invents fun methods to encourage at-home practice and rewards students for their hard work.
Mother of a MBI student and MBIII graduate May 2019
It is with much gratitude that we thank you for everything which you have given to our family over the past 10 years. Not only do we now have the joy of music in our home, but our three children have also developed so many life skills in their music lessons with you. They learned the discipline of practice for success, and the importance of being patient and to persevere when things seem difficult. As they are getting older, it’s even more valuable to them because not only can they enjoy playing music as a pastime, they each now have a skill set which has helped to build their confidence and continues to give them each such a feeling of achievement. Your patience and encouragement at every lesson made all the difference to the children’s belief in themselves.
Parents of three MBIII graduates May 2015
Thank-you for convincing our daughter to stick with music. She loves it and really loves having you as a teacher.
Parents of a SBII student May 2015
Thank-you, Krista. You taught me to love playing the piano. Because of that, you taught me to play the accordion. You are the best teacher a girl could ever ask for.
their SBIII daughter Dec 2015
Thank-you for being my piano teacher. I had fun!
MBIII graduate May 2014
Thank-you very much for your hard work and dedication. Thanks to you, I now have two boys who love playing piano
Parent of a MBIII graduate and a SBI student May 2014
Thanks, Krista, for 10 years of music! MYC rocks!
Parents of two MBIII graduates with comment by daughter May 2013
Thank-you for your dedication, patience and passion!
Eleven families of the June 2012 graduating class
Just wanted to express my deep gratitude towards you for all the time and effort that you put forth in preparing the MBIII children for graduation from the MYC program. Our son’s comfort level in performing in front of an audience is a testimony to your care and devotion! You are truly an amazing teacher. Looking forward to continuing next year with our daughter…
Parents of a MBIII graduate and a SBII student July 2010